New Research Study:
“Racial Identity as a Career Asset”
Owlservations, LLC, equips and empowers Professionals of Color to embrace their social identities as assets in their careers. Owlservations has launched a new research study to explore how Professionals of Color describe their racial identity as an asset in their careers. The study also examines ways to effectively offset challenges when racial identity may function as a career liability. Findings from the study will help professionals of color better navigate their careers.
Check out 3 short videos: Real-world examples of racial identity serving as a career asset
You’re invited to participate in this much-needed study. Too often in today’s workplaces and career settings, Professionals of Color receive the message that their racial identity will work against them. Through this study, Owlservations seeks to explore the theory that successful Professionals of Color have learned how to leverage their identity as a career asset.
Complete a short online survey, here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Owlservations_Racial_Identity_Research2023
Share this link with other Professionals of Color to help us achieve the goal of 500 respondents by June 30.
Complete the form below to receive the report on the survey findings.
To learn more and signup to participate, complete the Observations
Research Participant interest form below: